Thanks for sharing Diva!
Kizza, continue to work through this with your therapist. Use a journal to write down when this symptoms happens and this may be able to help pinpoint some areas that you need assistance with :)
The Panic Center Support Team.
Well i dont know about goosebumps on my head butr i do know i sometimes get really cold when i have a panic attack. Also, I used to always tell my therapist that when i am really anxious and about to have a panic attacks i can feel like an electric courant going over my head like over my brain in a way lol and that comes just before i panic. I always told him that. It helped talking to him about it. I still get it before a big attack but now i just figure ah well it is just part of my panic attacks of the symptoms of it and move on. I know this is not the same but it is a symptom that i havent met anybody else yet who has had the exact same experience as me that i know of.
I think there is a broad set of symptoms that apply to almost all panic sufferers and then we all have our own personnal set of little symptom that are personnal to us. O you have them checked out by a doctor and once you know it is all ok and it really is just due to your anxiety/panic, well you accept it and learn to deal with it.
Hang in there and all will be well. And remember, this too shall pass!
Hi I'm just wondering if anyone has ever experienced goosebumps before as a part of the whole anxiety thing?
I was diagnosed with panic disorder around 2 years ago, had been going really well with it for the last year and a half, then recently have been getting these strange goosebump feelings across my head. The feeling comes on very suddenly and sometimes pretty intense. Its seems to happen as an isolated symptom (without breathing and heart rate speeding up etc). I've been seeing a psychologist about it which helps, but I'm just wondering if anyone has ever dealt with anything like this before?