hey all!
well i am finally posting in here again after 3 months of some really hard stuff...basically, about 5 months ago i relapsed and started experiencing severe anxiety...it got to the point where i had no idea who i was, where i was, i had horrible existential angst where all i did was question the universe, the purpose of life, where everything came from, if i was really alive yadda yadda....it was so bad i got to the point of not really functioning and ended up checking myself into an unlocked psych facility at stanford. i was there almost 2 weeks to get back on meds, start eating again (bc this stopped and i lost soooo much weight), and just try to pull myself together. well, i started to "pull myself together" and i started feeling a bit better. got a new psychologist, meds kicked in and i stopped questioning the purpose of life so much. well here is my problem. the past 3 weeks ive been feeling worse again. not time for psych hopsital worse, just not great. my meds just dont seem to ever feel right (im on 4.5mg of lexapro bc 4 isnt enough and 5 is too much- yes im sensitive) but even now, they make me feel kinda of cracked out, but 4mg just isnt doing it.....ive been trying to stay strong and go with the flow and not let this little setback mean i will get as bad as i was just 2 months ago...but its hard to believe that always. when i start questioning reality and my depersonalization gets bad enough, its hard to really relax. i have DP (depersonalization) pretty much all of the time since this all started...theres just times its more tolerable than others. but lately its getting to me, im scaring myself and i worry all the work ive done will fall to pieces. my therapist asked me what wouldve helped me more before i went to the hospital and i told her feeling more connected to people, like i had a network, a support group to fall back on, wouldve really helped. so i started working on that and trying to let those close to me come in a bit closer (im not good at this)....but the past few months ive been having quite a few boy problems...lots of disappointments, lots of bad decisions and i think this has a lot to do with my anxiety. feeling like i cant just be ok without a guy around, or more that i just dont feel ok by myself anymore. i used to love