Wow Lorlee! Congraulations! That is so great :) I am very happy that you did so well! Keep us posted on all that and once again congratulations! You go girl!
Congratulations! We are so happy to hear your appointment went well. This is a great experience that is sure to help you in the future so hold it close!
The PC Support Team
Today was the big day and even though I knew it was for a cleaning and check up I was pretty worried. I thought for sure I would be told I had x amount of cavities that had to be worked on. Well to my complete and utter surprise my teeth were in pretty good condition seeing as I had not been to a Dentist in almost 2 years. I could not believe it. I swear I was in shock. This is going to help me so much when I have to return to get my front tooth crowned.
I had not been on the site much lately because I was feeling depressed about the anxiety and going to the Dentist. This has cheered me up so much. I did something I have been totally afraid to do and it worked out well. This encourages me to do more exposure work. Have a great day everyone.