Please don't feel stupid about are not. It's the panic and axiety that makes you feel unsure about things. You need to get it set in your mind that you can do will come. We've all been there and sometimes we go back and takes patient. We're thinking about day at a time :)
Hi Nosloly,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I used to work at a call center and found it quite stressful! Have you given the program a try? It can teach you some great skills so you feel more in control-including your breathing. It's hard when you're not feeling motivated, so maybe you could try saying to yourself "I'm going to put aside 15 minutes today and start the program" and then make a commitment to put aside a small amount of time to work on it in the future. Hope this helps.
Take care.
Well I've tried to lie in bed and clear my head. But I really just feel stressed in life in general. I feel like I tackle anything and that I can't figure out how to solve any problems that come my way.
Hello Nosloly,
Sounds like you are having a rough time of it lately. Sorry to hear that.
I just wanted to say I have been there. The constant worry and not enjoying anything and worrying about it... I just wanted to let you know it can get better. :)
The program here really helped me and also others support. So I hope it helps you too :)
Welcome to the forums!
It sounds as though you find work very stressful. Have you tried a relaxation technique prior to the commencement of your shift?
Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator
While I'm at work I feel like I can't remember anything or tackle even small issues. When I'm not at work I'm usually thinking of work or worrying that I can't do anything productive and that I don't seem to enjoy fun things at home with my family. Most of the time I sit on the couch and watch TV when at home because I don't know what to do with myself or doing other tasks seem to difficult. I think a lot about how I can't function and problem solve. I worry a lot about what to do with myself in the present and future. I have repeating thoughts of past decisions and situations where I felt uncomfortable.
I just feel completely unmotivated and like I'm not breathing properly and cant' get a deep breathe. I keep working and doing my best to be productive but I feel so stupid most of the time, especially when handling incoming calls.