I found that the interation with other students and teachers was the source of my failure in school settings. Teachers that were belligerent. Being forced to do group projects with students not wanting to pull their weight or being mediocre. Simply finding ways to effectively socialize with classmates left me reeling in school settings. Even when I flipped it over and was the teacher, I still wrestled with my interactions with students and completely intimidated by other teachers.
I think Brenna gave you great advice. Sometimes breaking down tasks making schedules and giving yourself rewards for things you got done is a great way to keep on track :)
Writing and studying can be a little overwhelming especially when you have to coordinate your schedule to fit them both in. Here's some tips to help you through:
Before starting a project (studying for an exam, writing a paper) - take some time to go through and organize yourself and create a plan. Determine everything you need to do in order to complete the project and then write a list in the order that you think they need to be completed. Try to give everything a time limit and create a schedule.
During your project: Check off the tasks as you complete them and adjust the steps as you see necessary. You can also adjust the times if you need to but try to stay on schedule.
If you take the time to prepare yourself before you start you should be able to finish on time. Trying to stick to a schedule will help you to work to your potential.
In your schedule don't forget to give yourself a little bit of you time to keep your motivation up. It will give you something to look forward to and you always need a break in between studying and writing.
Brenna, Bilingual Support Specialist
When I have essays and exams I tend to either avoid studying or writing the essay or I start studying and writing but wont finish it up and extend my time in them...
Firstly, how can I start studying and write essays, so not avoiding them?
Secondly, how can I end them, not spending too much time on them , being efficient but good and stop?