Hi tesha_ts,
Please don't be discouraged by this re-occurance of symptoms. Panic disorder is often a chronic, relapsing illness, meaning panic attacks can keep happening for a long time. For many people, panic varies between getting better at some times and worse at others.
If a person gets treatment and appears to have largely overcome the problem, panic disorder can reappear or worsen later for no apparent reason. Recurrences should not cause panic sufferers to despair, nor should it cause them to feel like a "treatment failure". Recurrences can be treated effectively, just like an initial episode.
In fact, the skills that a person learns in dealing with panic episodes can be helpful in coping with any setbacks. Many people who€™ve overcome panic disorder find that although they still have the occasional panic attack, they become much better at dealing with recurring problems. Even though their panic is not fully cured, it no longer dominates their lives, or the lives of those around them.
Take your time as you work through the program. Work slowly at your own pace. The key is to make the exercises as meaningful to your specific situation as possible. The program contains lots of infomation to help guide you through step by step.
The PC Support Team