This has always puzzled me !! I am a big fan of Claire Weeks and her books in which she talks at length about using occupation of any sort really to help cope with anxious thoughts. When I first read one of her books I finally thought here was some-one who understood, and it was a revelation to me. But, when does occupation become avoidance ? So for those who haven't read her, I have adopted her attitude which is by and large, not to sit and allow myself to become anxious but to do something which takes my mind of it, whether its a spot of gardening, reading , mindless t.v programme, computer game. Is ths avoidance ? And what makes it so ? I do relax whilst doing whatever I've chosen to do, but by not doing specific relaxation exercises I'm not focusing on the cause of my anxiety therefore not giving it any importance . Again then, is this avoidance ? I've found this has worked for me, and have posted similar advice here, but am concerned that I may be saying the wrong things !! So to sum up, what is the difference between occupation, and avoidance ? Does anybody know ?