Hi Kitty, I too had a heart palpitaion the other day and it was scary but my doctor said it's normal and to stop worrying. (easier said than done)
Do you have a stomach ache or a specific pain? I think you should go to your doctor and get it checked out just to put your mind at ease. I am sure it's just your nerves. Yes, your nerves can definetly make you "think your sick". I thought I had the flu the other day because of chills and hot flashes. Then it just magically disapeared. Tell me what the doc says...xo
Hi Kitty: I think it is normal to feel tired after panic attacks. Have you tried exercising and drinking lots of water to get the adrenaline moving out of your system? Have you seen your family doctor about your stomach ache? Perhaps you have the flu. Hopefully things will settle for you soon. Take care
Hi Kitty,
I get like that too. When I am sick I get much more anxious. I agree that thought challenging is a great way to help control panicky thoughts. Also, I try to do things that relax me and give myself the right to do the things that will feel good. Anyway, Hang in there, this too shall pass!
Start challenging your negative thoughts. Session 2 & 3 are particularly helpful with this skill.
If you are not well, see your doctor.
Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator
Hello All
I thought i would post this to tell you that my head has cleared but i am being sick at the moment i have had a stomach ach for a week and i am worried in case its just not a bug and its early warning signs of a heart attack i cant stop thinking the worst can your nerves cause you to be sick?
Also i am really tired is this commom when you spend so much time panicing about stuff i keep thinking something bad will happen any second
And to top all this of last night i felt my heart have a palpation which really upsets me im going though the roof please someone help thanks kitty xxxx