Oh guys thank-you so so much for the beautifil encouraging words . They mean the world to me and help so much .
I am contining to push myself . Saturday i went to the biggest indoor market phewwww , then to a giant indoor play area with the children as i promised them .
Sunday was a day in but i was in agony anyway but still went to a supermarket and did a big faily roast .
Today was and still is horrible . I went to town to show in-laws the town centre . I had already booked an appointment for the doctors for me to see if they can
give me anything for the pain in my side thats getting worse . Well my MIL nearly collapsed in a huge sports shop . We rushed her home in an taxi to rest up .
She's so brave she was very ill before coming to us but wild horses wouldnt stop her meeting us . She has brontitus , half a lung missing and a huge gallstone
which they cant operate on because of her lung condtion .
Well i watched her and wasnt happy with what i saw , so i dragged her with me to the doctors . I went upstairs to mine and she saw another one downstairs .
When i went down she was on a nebuliser with a nurse and doctor . He phoned her doctor because he was so concerned . She really should have been admitted
to hospital but is waiting to see if the drugs they gave her will ease her . Watching her like a hawk at the mo . Im not freaking out but m quite anxious .
Well theres my mega waffle !!! Off to read the threads now :)