I was quiet last week i know . On wednesday i was really bad with the pain thing . Hmmm funny that it seems to be worse midweek , no idea why either .Then again , i was very busy getting ready getting house ready for my BIL staying . Was the first time we met . The visit went well im glad to say . Anyway was very bad wednesday and not so bad thurday . Friday much better pain wise but very down . ( my baby was due that day !!) I handled that ok i thought .
Last night was dreadful , my throat was bad as it is usually in the evening ( this is driving me nuts) . But it was different because it really hgurts in the right hand side , so maybe im getting a sore throat . It took me hours to get to sleep because i was feeling 'funny' and had a big attack in the night . Havnt had a biggy for ages now , so disappointed but i handled it .Also (sorry men) started my peroid really early , strange as i was a week late the month before , unfair me thinks !
Today ekkkkkk , i have chest pain , legs are wobbly and im tingling again . I just feel lousy in general .
Anyway i dont want to sound a majour downer , i have been trying . I am going to the school more now . At the weekend i walked dog (short walk) on my own . I actually had a bath , now thats quitesomething for me as ive been terrified of having them . I was only slightyly anxious nothing majour . I was so chuffed after as well .
Have my FIL coming today till saturday , we are certainly popular atm ! Suppose that has something to do with living by the sea
. Hope he's happier than last time , he hardly talked and kept going out by himself . More work for me , he does like to be waitered on grrrr . He usually is lovely dont want to paint a bad picture of him .
Anyhooo's im off for now as my right hand is all tingly and i dont like it .
Have a great day everyone , take care CD xxxxxxxxx