Hello there Jane , i will certainly look out for you . I never seem to catch anyone but do check . My time zone here in England is bad for everyone i think .
hi there i was just wondering when is a good time to do inesse messegening is best time i would like to with some one any time i am on i will try to have messeger on. please do messege me and i will messege back i have not really done this before so new at it. anyone can try to in-messege me to chat if you would like . thanks Jane
That's a great idea! Like you said, it's a great way to communicate with others on a timely manner.
Members, how about signing in?
Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
I just noticed that a few of you are online.. Minnesota being one of them but you aren't logged into instant messenger. I would love to chat with a few of you online so that we could exchange some tips... I have a quilt question for you Minn..
Have any of you ever logged into it before?
I spoke to Miki once on it and it's great... and much easier..faster replies plus if you're having a bad moment you can be supported right away.
I hope I'm not asking too much but anyone who would like to chat should launch messenger when they sign on...