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My cat.

for 16 år siden 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
I'm sorry that things have not cleared up yet. But just keep taking your time. I know this may sound like just words to you but you did your best and Oscar is at peace now. And you are doing such a great job at dealing with all of this by even doing dishes and such. 
But keep writing because I think and hope you find some sort of relief from it. Let it all out some how. Maybe go run like what Birdie said... or do some belly dances.

for 16 år siden 0 101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anger, that is a thing to deal with!  When I went through my divorce, I ran.  I'm not a runner! But for some reason I just wanted to run.  I ran, walked, ran and walked some more.  It felt great!

for 16 år siden 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Brenna,
Thank you for the reply and the tips! Your support means a lot.
Hello Miki,
Thank you for sharing your experience with me. Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Thank you for sharing what is helping you with your anger and everything. I really do appreciate it. I really appreciate all your support. It is nice to know that this anger is ok, that I am not the only angry one. sorry to hear you had to go through that but it does make me feel better if youknow what I mean. Oh and thanks for the tips!
Hello CD,
Once again thank you for the reply. It was very reassuring reading that all this anger is normal and part of the grieving proces. In a way it made me feel very anxious and kinda nuts. I truely appreciate you sharing your experience with your grandma with me as it reasures me and makes it feel more ok. Sorry I seem to be bad with words tonight. I hate that the anger makes me feel so much more anxious. The sadness does too. I hate feeling more anxious. I hate feeling angry and sad and anxious and...You get my point. Thanks for letting me know that if this persists or if this comes back that it is normal. I find it reassuring in a way to know I am not going off my rockers. Part of me wants to expend the energy, like you said by doing things and the other part of me is just exhausted all the time and achy. I did do the dishes and take a walk and made lunches. Even breakfast for tomorrow is ready...  As for screaming at you, I don't feel the need to scream at a friend who is there for me so much, but thanks for the offer lol. Huggles to you too and thank you again.
Tonight I just cannot seem to find sleep. I think I am anxious about going to bed. It seems this is going around. But let me start with my evening. As you know I had an angry evening. But some things really helped. My husband took me fr a walk. I told him how I was feeling ad that I was having a hard time. Told him I was just angry at the world. He said he would try not to take it personnally and he would cut me some slack and he did. The walk really helped me feel better. It took some of the edge off. Mostly I think telling my husband helped.
Then I made supper while my husband went to rent me a movie. I watched Miss Pettigrew lives for a day. Nice little movie! It helped relax me a whole lot. I like love stories. Then I read and watched t.v. My hubby fell asleep at his PC so I sent him to bed and made the breakfasts and lunches for tomorrow. Got tired halfway through the second round of dishes though. Al that seemed to help me and take some of the edge off.
But I am still angry. I feel like the world is just a wicked place. It is wicked and ugly and my cat is gone. I am hurt and feel angry at the whole world. I feel like I am choking on the anger. I am having weird and annoying new symptoms like tingly and itchy lips and tongue...I am dizzy... I am so angry. I am also sad. So sad. I miss my cat. He was my friend and companion for 15 years.
Today I found the kit I used to take his blood sugar readings for his diabetes... I just left it there. It knocked the wind out of me. I do not need it anymore and yet I could not hrow it out. I just left it there and avoided the whole thing. Just thinking about it makes me anxious.
I am afraid to go to bed. When I start relaxing and my mind is calming down that is when my grief ambushes me. It feels like gettiing hit really hard across the chest and stomach. The grief hits me so hard I double over and cannot breathe. It is often hard in the mornings when I wake up also. As such I am afraid to go to bed. And yet I crave sleep. In my sleep I can sometimes find peace. Sometimes I dream of him and it is like he is not gone. I miss him so much.
Sorry for rambling. It is 3:18 am atm and I am holding on. I am so angry and incredibly sad and scared and I am angry at a world that no longer includes him. I am angry at myself for not being able to take better care of him. I am angry.
I have a lump in my throat. My whole body aches. I am tired and terrified of going to sleep. Usually when I am anxious and have trouble sleeping I would cuddle with Oscar and he would purr me to sleep. What do I do now?
for 16 år siden 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Oh my lord !
Well im not suprised that both of you have extreme anger going on atm . Both have your reasons and pretty good ones for it .
Diva , yours is quite classic ( hate that word ) and part of the grieving process so it is indeed perfectly normal ! I did the same thing awhile after my Grandma , but lucky in my case i didnt have the anxiety i do in these days . I was angry , full of rage and unfortunutely it lasted quite awhile . But thats because i didnt talk to anyone and cut myself off from people . My way of dealing with anger was to play my music quite loudly and work it off . Not in a exercise way mind but housework . House was never so clean  . It got rid of alot of my pent up energy and it truly helped me . Im so sorry your going through this , scream at me i can take it and understand why and wont take it personally honest !!!! Massive huggles to you .
Miki sweetheart again i feel totally helpless here . I cant express enough how hard it must be for you in your current situation . Of course you will be angry , thats just an emotion remember . Use it to your advantage , you say you got some sort of relieve after having a good scream . Then thats the way to go . Dont you care what other people think if it helps you . Screaming in a pillow like Breanne suggested might be good if there are people in the house ! That way you get the realease and they wont know about it , have music on in the background . Sneaky i know . I have watched many a programme where i have seen people go to places (mainly men you know the primal forrest thing) and scream their lungs out . They all felt better afterwards . Its just we feel pretty stupid and silly after when we shouldnt . I have always wanted one of those boxers punch bags for when im really mad  , just fancied ago . Like i said to Diva music and work was my way of releasing my energy , you could dance or have a fitness cd in to release yours . Hugs to you as well my friend .
Now its 5.04am , i have had a terrible night with sickness etc well my second in a row . Something was telling me to go downstairs and go here im glad i did .
Take care you two thinking of you CD xxx
for 16 år siden 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had a nervous breakdown the other day because of my husband's situation and on top of it my mom made it worse. It got me even more angry that I was angry at her for making a mistake. I didn't know what to do and I tried to avoid it but I couldn't. So I locked the door and got a cardboard box and started to hit it against the bed. Then I realized I was screaming at the top of my lungs and I tore the box into pieces. My family came running to my door and opened it by picking at it. I was just angry and I couldn't handle my anger. It felt really good though, even though I was embarrassed a bit after since I made such a scene. My friends tell me they drive somewhere and roll their windows up and scream like crazy in their car. After that I talked to my sister and she said that she's done many episodes of screaming hysterically and said I should do it more to relieve my stress. I don't know really how healthy it is but I sure did relieve something. I'm sorry you are feeling angry... another stress reliever I've heard is to write all the things you are angry about on a piece of paper and taring it up into pieces.
for 16 år siden 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry to hear that you are so angry. If you really feel like screaming, try screaming into a pillow, it might make you feel better just to get it out! Take some time for yourself. Take a warm bath, and think about what is making you so angry. As you know, (like you always say!) this feeling will pass.
Members, any suggestions for Diva? What do you do when you are feeling angry?
Diva, you know we are always here for you. If you need to vent, we are all here to listen.
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
for 16 år siden 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Truth is I am not sure I am ok today. I am angry. As in want to pick a figh with anyone will break things angry! I am mad, pis**d and just plain angry. Angry at what who knows, who cares? I am angry! Angry at myself and the world. I am not at peace with myself or the world that surrounds me, I AM ANGRY!!!! I just want to scream. I keep almost picking fights with my hubby. Everything he does angers me! I am so angry I am choking on it. I am angry and it scares me and makes me anxious. I am a bit freaked and yet I can't stopped being angry! ARGH!!!! I am hurt and angry at the world.
for 16 år siden 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello guys,
Hiya Minnie. Well the storm threat was highly over exagerated in my opinion. Ok so there was lots of wind and thunder and power surges but no hail or tornadoes and no powerloss. Did lose signal for the tv for an hour or so though so I read. It was unnerving but not scary if you know what I mean. Oh and no damage so all is well. I think the warning was scarier then the storm lol. I am happy i logged off though as the power surges did happen and I prefer and unfried hard drive... Thank you for asking.
Hello Faryal,
Thank you for your lovely reply. Yes this site and the people on it has been of great comfort to me. And yes being able to expres myself here has been extremely helpful in my journey of grieving for my lovely wonderful Oscar. I do try to let my husband know how much his support and understanding means to me. And I do try to appreciate all moments of happiness and peace when I have them. And I endevour to accept the not so happy moments and the felings of loss also.
Thank you for your reply and your wonderful advice.
Thankyou CD again for your reply :) And I get what you mean abou helping others being almost selfish. I feel the same way. I feel better helping others . And I am glad my gratitude was well expressed as it was well felt. Today, things  are ok. Thank you for asking and again thank you for being here for me! It means so much!
I find myself having trouble with my sleep patterns and eating patterns lately. I binge eat. I eat to fill the void. The I get anxious about getting fat. I am already overweight. I know I am eating to deal with my emotions and I know it is unhealthy and yet I keep doing it! I miss him...there is a void in my life and I am filling it with food!
Also, I sleep all wrong. I stay up most of the night and sleep most of the day. I feel more anxious during daytime lately. Like, during daytime there is more pressure for me to be ok and function where as at night I can just be and have peace and quiet to grieve and mourn and just deal with myself. But it is no good for me this living in the dark.I am trying to get up one hour earlier everyday until that is fixed but am not haing great success up to now. I know why I feel more anxious during the day and yet I find it so stupid!
I have also been struggling to keep walking everyday. I find myself anxious to leave the house and completely unmotivated. Stupid thing is that walking makes me feel good so I really should go...
All in all, I know there are many things need fixing at the moment and yet I don't feel up to it. I feel more anxious and sad and incredibly tired. My whole body aches all the time! I miss Oscar and all that he brought to my life. I have pains in my soul. I fear that time before I fall asleep and that time as I wake up as that is when the full force of my grief lies in ambush to get me, at those moments when I am not alseep and yet my mind is unoccupied... I feel pain in my body from the loss of him. I sometimes think I hear him ad then I realize it is my memory playing tricks on me...
To try and end on a more positive note. Today it is sunny outside. My coffee is good. I managed to do some dishes. I have a good book waiting to help me evade into a world of magic. My husband will be home soon and he said he would take me walking. I am pretty sure I have enough energy to manage a load of laundry today. I am managing my increased anxiety rather well And have not had any major panic attacks since the shirt incident.
Later and thanks again for being there for me.
for 16 år siden 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva I can relate to the storms, as you well know we get severe ones here to. . Hope you got fhrough it ok and everyone is ok, and there wasnt any bad damage or anything.
for 16 år siden 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Diva . I dont mind sharing things with you or anyone infact . If i can help then thats great , in a selfish way makes me feel better knowing i have  .
Your words are pretty clear !!! Can see your grateful as we are to you when youv'e helped us . How are things today ?
Thinking of you CD x

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