The TV show Borat was great! But all my friends, and everyone I knew made such a big deal about Borat that I didn't care anymore. It may be great, but if you build it up too much then I lose's like dreaming of the perfect person then dealing with the reality. Nothing is like the dream, and thank God for that or I wouldn't be surprised!
My sons love Borat , always quoting and saying stuff together . Then Hubby joins in . Never seen Borat movie , just used to see him in TV series which was actually quite funny .
Welcome to the boards Ali bee!
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Sarah, Health Educator
How are you doing? I agree that your health should come first. Last year when I was having major anxiety my husband kept insisting that I should "tough it out" and keep going to work. I think he just didn't understand the seriousness of it. Well, I kept doing it and boy, did it ever wear me out! I had to put so much energy into pretending everything was ok. I was probably even more of a mess! I kept pushing myself to the point that I was ordered to leave work pending a medical evaluation because I was having panic attacks on the job. How humiliating! Anyways, take the time for yourself. You are most important. Sometimes you just need time to rest and reflect.
I have to agree with everybody else. If taking time off of work will help then do it. Your health is the most important thing.
There is no need to feel guilty! I like what Diva said about focusing on the present moment. It can help allot. Whatever happens in two minutes time or two days or weeks- you will be able to handle it then. The same applies to the past. Just realising that at this very moment nothing is wrong. You are perfectly safe and well and no harm can befall you. It can be quite comforting.