I am alive, honest... I know I haven't been here in a while, but I'm still around.
My partner of 3 years broke up with me 2 weeks ago. I've been pretty lost without her, but I'm trying to keep busy and move on and not let myself break down.
I have been taken off of my work's pay, and so I'm now receiving nothing from anywhere until my claim for benefits are processed, which meant I couldn't pay rent, which means I'm on my way in 30 minutes to meet my landlord, who no doubt will not be best pleased.
It's just all getting so much to cope with, but I'm trying my best. I'm just dealing with them one at a time.
I mean, if it was just my partner who had broken up with me, then I think I would be stressed enough, but life is never that simple.
I'm feeling anxious a lot, but I'm working through it and putting things in perceptive.
I'm meeting an old friend for dinner tonight, too, so I'm not forgetting about giving myself some 'me' time. Which is very important.
I don't know why I always come here and say how much stress I am under, and then point out the good things.... I think I'm trying to be strong not only for me, but for the benefit of you reading this.
The truth is, at night, when there is nothing to do or think about - I can't sleep. I miss her so much. She was my life for 3 years. And one day she just stopped being romantically attracted to me.
I'm destroyed.
Absolutely destroyed.
And I have this typically British attitude that I should just sweep it all under the carpet and keep going. I can't really do that right now.
I'm feeling constantly sick, and so I'm not eating right. And when I eat, it's because I force myself.
I have so many doubts, so many regrets, so many unsolved questions.
There's a huge void in my life right now that I'm trying to fill by keeping busy. In truth, it'll take time to go away.