Hello CD,
Thank you for your caring support. It helps more then you can imagine. Coming here and reading your replies feels like coming to see friends. I am so very grateful.
I slept ok. Was exhausted and managed to get 6-7 hours of sleep not sure exactly but ballpark about 6-7 hours. I have not eaten today yet. I do not feel hungry. I can barely manage drinking water. I try to eat high calorie foods when I do eat just to try and keep my calorie count higher. Not just junk though but like almonds and olives and avocado is higher in calories then say cucumber. Mostly if something tempts me even just a little bit I seize that opportunity to try and eat. I am just not hungry. I barely feel thirst.
Today, right now, I feel numb. An eery calmness/ numbness. All I can feel is a dim pain somehwere in the back, like my soul bleeding. I feel tired and nothing appeals to me. I can't seem to figure out if numb is better or worse. But hey, it is what it is. I just try to get from one moment to the next in one piece.
My house is like a field of landmines ready to set me off and remind me of all I have lost. I fear going to sleep and I fear waking up.
And I know people around me feel helpless to help me in my grief but their presence and words of comfort help me more then they could possibly imagine, as yours does. So thank you very much.
Sometimes reading the lovely posts people have written me and seeing how you all think I did the right thing, sometimes those are the only real moments of peace I get. It is like for a few seconds I can breathe and stop feeling so guilt ridden. So thank you al so much for your support. It really is a Godsend for me at this time.