Today on the 8th ( I know it is the 9th now but I haven't slept yet...) it had been 2 months that Oscar died. I thought about it a lot but had no time to express this all since today was drama day. I miss him so much. I still have not put away his food bowl. I still haven't put his glucose meter away. I still get pangs of intense grief a lot. I still have not washed my stupid shirt... Is it normal to feel like this so long? I miss him. He is a good cat, a very good cat. I found a pretty autumn leaf for him and put it in his urn for him. I wish he had had one last autumn to play in the leaves. I miss him. On days like today where it feels like my life is goind down the tube, I really miss being able to hold him and listen to him purr. His presnce was such comfort to me. Anyway, sorry for another whiny post. I just didn't want today to go by without me taking time to remember him. So I want to put this out there in the universe. I love Oscar and I miss him. And wherever he is, he is a very good cat.