Well I think you got great advice from Josie! I would add something but I think she covered it. But I did want to stop in and check on how you are doing today. Hang in there, sometimes we hit rough patches and it seems hopeless but it does get better I assure you. so hang in there!
Make a call to your doctor, get a note and check with your human resource department. There may be something they can do. They might notbe able to fire you if you have a medical condition and note from your doctor. Your being active by applying elsewhere and this is commendable. Call the EI office and inquire about your rights and what you are entitled to.You won't know unless you try.
Check your local clinics or hospitals for numbers of doctors and free programs. Work through our program and keep pushing forward. Make some cuts and save some money. Forgo those nights out and have friends over to your house. Ask you doctor for some more information on what is available to you.
Post with us we are here for you and are ready to listen anytime.
well, It seems my workplace won't excuse my no call/no show for the past week, even though it's due to a mental illness. I guess that means I'm fired. I've applied at about a dozen places, i need work or I'm finished. I don't know if I'll qualify for EI (employment insurance) in canada, for this condition. I"m terrified of ending up on the streets because of this stupid thing. I feel like breaking down again. I feel uterly alone. What if my condition causes me to be unable to keep up with rent with my gf, will we end up breaking up with me on the street? I'm feeling so close to suicidal right now it's not even funny. I can't afford proffesional help, my family doesn't understand the problem, and I don't have a job and am running out of money. I went out drinking with friends tonight, I know alcohol is not a good substitute for emotional issues, but it felt good to be out with friends actually socializing. I just feel like I'm at the end of my rope. Please someone, I need advice. I need help.