If possible, try copying and pasting the error message and send it to us via feedback. From there, we will be able to notify IT help and look into these issues further.
We apologize again for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thanks for posting the links, but as with the links in my toolbox, Adobe Acrobat Reader opens up then brings up a message to say that the file is damaged and cannot be repaired. I wonder what the difference is between these pdfs and the ones that I can open OK.
Actually, looking through this forum I see that Kaylee, back in February, was having trouble opening the Advanced Anxious Thoughts pdf, which is one of the ones I'm having trouble with. Did this ever get sorted out OK for Kaylee, maybe it is the same problem for me?
Thanks for responding. If it was down to my browser settings then I don't understand why some pdfs download OK and the others don't. However, I tried switching off all my security and allowing everything, I tried 3 different browsers Firefox, Kmeleon and Internet Explorer and the particular pdfs that I get the error on are still reporting errors. Is anyone else having problems? Could they be forwarded to my email address? It is going to be pretty difficult to work through the program without these worksheets.
Thank you for providing us with more detail Mel, it is very helpful. I will forward this on to the tech team. It could be that your computer settings are not "allowing cookies". If you click on "tools" (top of the screen) and then on "Internet Options" there should be an option to "allow pop-ups" or something to that effect. Hopefully this helps, however I will still pass this on to the tech team.
Thanks for responding. I have just tested all of the PDFs unlocked for me so far.
I can successfully download the Anxious Thoughts, Advanced Anxious Thoughts Forms and Challenge Worksheet.
However I get "Error opening document. File has been damaged and cannot be repaired" when Adobe Acrobat tries to open the Panic Attack Form, Goals Worksheet, Exposure Planner and Exposure Tracker.
The fact that some work OK implies the problem isn't at my end. though it is odd that no one else seems to have the problem.