You did the right thing by consulting with your doctor to ensure that there are no serious concerns. However, if the dizzy and faint feelings from taking Ativan persist for a long period, I would suggest you get a second opinion regarding your tolerance for this medication. Although side effects from taking drugs may be common, this does not sound like a "normal" adverse effect to deal with continously. Perhaps the dosage and/or medication may need to be re-evaluated.
As well, have you started working through the program? The sessions are designed to help you better understand the nature of the anxiety and panic you experience in order to gain more control over them. Exercises such as deep breathing and journalling are great strategies to sort out thoughts and feelings.
yes, lovely ol' dizzy! I used to get it a lot - sit and look at a far spot somewhere on the wall, or outside at a tree, etc. You don't have to stare at it, just focus around there. Do some breathing exercises and smile - pretend you are just fine, you are taking a break, that's all. When ready, slowly get up and have a lovely glass of water/herbal tea (avoid caffeine) and affirm that you are fine, it's just a little glitch for now, and as you heal this won't be a problem.
hope it helps. Be patient with yourself. Sometimes we forget to take good care of ourselves, diet and exercise, etc. If you had a friend who was going through what you are going through, you'd put your arm around her and tell her, "It's going to be alright. I love you, I'm here for you". Do that to yourself, you are just as important as a friend.
Thank you for replying. Yes, I have talked with my doctor and they said I'm perfectly healthy, and the drugs do cause the drowsy, dizzy, faint feeling. However I found this out just recently. I'm just curious if it goes away or not. I really am afraid to do much activity now and I desperately need to so I can lose weight.
Since I feel faint most of the time I really don't feel any different before or after. I'm always kind of anxious, edgy, and there's a lot of stuff running through my mind right now. From fainting to heart problems to everything in-between even though none of these are necessary.
Have you talked to your doctor about the drugs you are taking and their possible side effects?
If it is not the drugs, dizziness is a common symptom of panic. When you experience these symptoms remind yourself that it is a normal symptom of panic and it will pass. Try to become aware of your breathing. Breath deeply and calmly. You may want to review program information by looking in the relaxation auxiliary section.
Other members, are you or did you experience dizziness? How do/did you cope
glh92, how are you feeling before the faintness? Keeping a thought journal may help you pin point what is triggering the symptom.
One of the biggest fears I have is fainting. The fear came from taking Ativan for about a week, and I stopped the Ativan and went to the ER 5 times because of the faint feeling. Saw my doctor, BP is fine, heart is fine, everything is fine. I'm just curious, do any of you guys take these drugs and do they give you faintness, lightheadedness and dizzyness?