This is a great discussion and everyone makes great points.
The important point is to be consistent with however you decide to record your symptoms so that you can see progress and/or where you might have a trigger.
That is great to hear. Amazing what can happen in a couple of months. I don't want to embarrass you but I remember some of your worse days, you really do sound much better.
This is a great question. I also don't have full blown panic attacks too often and have wondered about how to use this feature. Pretty much whenever I do have what I consider a panic attack my anxiety is at an 8-10 - I don't really consider an anxious moment of a 5 a full blown attack.
If it helps, what I do is rate my daily anxiety level (1-10) based on how anxious I felt and how many waves of anxiety I had, and still tick didn't have a panic attack, and I use this as my scale to see how I'm doing overall. When I re-started the program in August I had lots of 8s and 9s, and now I'm down to more 3s, 4s, and 5s for daily anxiety levels, which is a nice way to see my progress.
Filling out my daily mood tracker I keep ticking "I didn't have a panic attack today" because I rarely have a full-blown one. I do however have many heart-racing anxious periods that I try to breath through to avoid an attack. Should I rate these as a panic attack on the mood tracker?