HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Juanita! and many more. That's what we do over here. When it's someone's birthday they get to eat whatever they wish for the day and don't have to lift a finger. Everything is done for them. Hope you had a wonderful day. Sounds like you did!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! Hope you had a great, memorable, peaceful day.
You brought back memories of when my son was 2 thru atleast 8. He had a small stuffed dog with a silk ribbon. I had to find another one when the original got discustingly filthy.uck ! He became more interested in the ribbon. Would hold the end and brush his face with it while he sucked his thumb. As the years past, dog disappeared and the ribbon got so small until it was just a few small threads which together we placed it in a small container as a ceremony. Once in a while when we were alone he would open it to feel the threads until eventually as the years past we would look at it together as a memory with a happy warm loving feeling inside. He's now 23!
It's still early enough to enjoy the next few hours of your time placed on earth !
Well, today is my birthday...47 (Wow) ...and I'm having a great day...I'm off, Hubby did the vacuuming for me, (Wow)I hate vacuuming, since I have to do it all the time..Cleo sheds like crazy!
I ate carrot cake for Breakfast (yup, yummy!), and am having mini quiche for supper....its all about me...hahaha......and I'm announcing my BD to cyberspace...This is the remarkable part...for all those years of anxiety I always hid and tried everything not to be noticed.... low self-esteem, fear of panic.... I guess...but here I am ...happy and content and want the world to know it! Such a big part of my "change ' has been the wonderful people on this support group. Thanks so much guys ...I'll be back tomorrow.
Thanks Upsidedown....the big one is our dog....Cleo...the little thing is a stuffed toy replica of her..I swear she thinks its her baby...she drags it around all the time! She cries for it when I have to wash it(the dog drool..yuk)I'm actually always on the lookout for another exact one in case this one finally wears out...
You've got a great eye for editing. Looking at your picture sends an instant feel of calm and sereness. It really as if I'm right there, looking at the rolling hills and trees.