The roller-coaster ride to the relative merry-go-round I’m at now, makes it seem easier to “cope”, but I wonder if maybe I’m just hiding.
Ahsepp3, notice your mention of not being “engaged”? One thing I long for, and this forum is partly providing, is community or connection with grounded people, who can provide safe environments. If I visualize the most supportive, strongest people from any place in the world in a room with me...that would be the last room to be a locale for an attack.
I remember a frightening teacher I had in high school, who would verbally attack anyone randomly, as a standing threat if our class wasn’t compliant. That was the most frightening experience emotionally,similar to attacks, since like terrorism, since I could never know when or how or who will be struck.
He was promoted to a vice-principal later.
Ashley, do you have any tips on looking for these triggers, since from the research I’ve read quickly(eg.National Institute of Health), it seems pretty complicated...I know there was a good start on the stress forum you began.