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Took a Hard Fall

for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I've had chronic staph infection for eight years, I should actually call it reoccurring since a few times it was obviously re infection. I've also broken both legs and my back. I'm lucky in that with a very high pain tolerance I don't need a high dose of opiates when I do need them. I know people taking ten times what I take. I've done the withdrawal a few times and it is the edge of panic that is the worst. At least sunny knows what I go through and when to just leave me be. 
Lemon Balm tea helps a lot but since CBT it has been easier. Still I have Valium if needed and I will use it rather than fight it.

Thank you for your concern. Thinking positive really helps but some time the load needs a little help.

for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

If CBT works then the rebound from stopping any of the Benzos is minor. If not then you revert back to how you were before it. Anyway if CBT doesn't work for you then you most likely won't be stopping it. I've had seizures but that was from Ativan. It wasn't bad. Ativan is almost impossible to do withdrawal from so be glad you are not on it.

My friend Greg was an alcoholic and a morphine addict because of pain in his back. He got his back fixed but was addicted to a bad combination of drugs and alcohol. He started an exercise program with out help. Too much too soon. And well Morphine is hard on the organs over a long time. The body can only take so much abuse. He was prone to heart attacks and had a bad one a few years back. This one got him before the ambulance could get there. I think some times that he was lucky to go that easy and he is not in pain any more. Death isn't hurting him, it is those of us left behind that it hurts.

Being overweight is not good for you especially if you still smoke but worry is probably worse. 
Never mind putting a time line on getting better, just do the CBT and let it happen. It will you know. Debora, your best years are behind you, so are mine and Sunny's and Red's. That is just a fact although you are younger than the rest of us. The difference is that we have accepted this and are not willing to waste time worrying about it. The best years may be over but life isn't. Sunny travelled four thousand miles to start over again. I'm going to bust my butt adding on rooms so we will be comfortable and she will help. Yes our best years are gone but those are just physical years. I think our happiest years are now and they are there because we want them to be and nothing is going to get in the way especially health after all there is nothing we can do about it that we are not already doing. We do not give in easy. 
Eating healthy is not good if your intake of calories is more than your expenditure. Hugs has the right Idea, five small meals is easier on the stomach than three big ones. Fruit, especially apples are an appetite suppressant. 

Sunny is sleeping but she says hi. She couldn't access the site earlier. 


for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
I am praying for you. I hope the withdrawal will not be that bad, are you weaning slowly? I never took opiates myself but I take klonopin and even through I am on a fairly low to moderate dose, under 1.0 miligram a day or less I hear when I do wean off I must wean slowly or I could have panic and even seizures which of course scare me to death! Today is halloween and I really dont enjoy it too much, I am scared enough without any outside effects, I dont watch the scary movies at all.
Please rest and sleep and I know you will be fine, one thing I have got from you're posts is that you are a brave strong man, and with that wonderful earth Angel Sunny by you're side you just cannot lose!! I wish sometimes I had a Sunny by my side.
I have been having some stomach issues the last few days, I think its nerves, for months I could barely eat and lost weight, which I needed to lose some, but then I got some of my appetite back, I dont want to lose my appetite again, I dont eat alot, and not even to lose weight, right now I am eating for health, nutrition and vitamins, just to regain my energy and health again.
I am very tired today but I did not sleep well, I know you know how that goes! Its been windy rainy cool and dreary the last few days so I am thinking that is causing my fatigue and achiness, also I have an appt with my nurse next week and I am kinda dreading that, I think she thinks if I was a size 2 I would be alright, but this disorder hits people of all kinds, short, tall, thin, heavy, etc...... I like her I just wish she would not blame everything on my weight. Its SO hard getting good quality expert help for my condition, I have found out the hard way, I guess they try to help but I should be recovering more quick.
I must change my "mindset" I have to stop thinking that my best years are behind me and all I have to look forward too is old age sickness disease and death, and I know that is a BAD frame of mind to be, if I could rid myself of that, I would be OK.
I hope you and Sunny got some rest, I miss her so. Let me know how everything is, and keep warm from the cold front!
for 12 år siden 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
I'm glad to know you won't have to go through the withdrawal symptoms alone.  Of course, we are here for you, but it is great that you have Sunny by your side.

Vincenza, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Pretty sick today but little pain, just dizzy so I stayed in and made bread and a big pot of soup and stripped the leaves off the dried oregano. Sunny stuck in all the dormant perennials in the little green house to over winter and next spring when she decides where to put them I will make flower beds. Lots of flower beds. We still have butternut seeds to stick in and garlic if it is not too frozen out to do that.
I'm trying to stop the Hydromorphone so will have two days at least of anxiety and maybe even panic. For those that might not ever have to or have had to withdraw from opiates it is not nice. It is like having a bad case of the flu and panic and irritability all at the same time. yuk. But usually it lasts only two days. This is why addicts have such a hard time stopping. There life is hell though with the ups and downs. My friend Greg who had the heart attack was hooked on opiates for pain and couldn't get off even after the operation. He is in a better place now I guess but still......
Well still have things to do.

Starting to snow again. It melted today and then rained. Sunny was very happy to drop off the Uhaul and be done with it. It had good tires but still wet snow is slippery.

She has been sorting and unpacking all day. Some stuff is just going back into the boxes and back into storage. It will be nice to have more than just a trail through the house.

for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Snowing pretty heavy this morning. 
Thank you for your concern. Arthritic flares seldom last more than two days. I'm pretty good this morning, I will just have to take it slow today. It will be tough because she wants to put stuff away and make room. My biggest problem this morning is too much coffee. It will pass. 
Sunny will be on in a bit when she gets settled a bit. She has some nice exposures to tell you about.

Davit and Sunny.
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry to hear about your flare up..I hope you are feeling better today..Remember these adjustments are going to take some time so try to go easy on yourself..."I know easier said than done"...believe me when I say I really do know this one well...
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am sorry you're arthritis is flaring up. Was it from the MSG? I cannot eat food with that either {I did not know pizza had that i in it} I get really bloated when I eat MSG food my body like swells its strange, my son had a reaction to it also one time, so I avoid chinese. Guess we both had a bad day! Please tell Sunny hello and I miss her! She is probably exhausted from moving.

I am so glad this day is over! My husband and I just had a argument about two hours ago and it was over something so stupid I will not even go into it, but it left me in tears and shaken, he does not understand I dont want to argue I am too fragile now too early in recovery too have conflict, I avoid conflict whenever I can I cannot take it. My tooth is hurting me tonight and hope it goes away, its the one that bothers me sometimes, the thought of going to the dentist would about terrify me now, do you ever drink something really cold and you're teeth hurt? I must have sensitive teeth, hoping the pain stops just adds to the bad day!

I hope things settle down there, I guess we all need a good nights sleep and I hope we get it. Its been a long hard day for all.
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
Sunny's son and two grand children and my friend Richard had to help her unload because the pizza we and the kids made had MSG in it and my Arthritis flared so bad I could barely get out of my chair today. I'm still sore but can type again. Tomorrow will be better I think. We have to clean the Uhaul and drop it off in town. Good thing it has good tires because it is supposed to snow. At least she got through the mountains before it snowed. I was worried but kept a happy face since we know how positive effects mood and panic. We haven't introduced the cats to her dog but I think that will go okay.  Cats are easy to please, food, water, a warm place to sleep and a clean litter box for when it is cold and wet out and they are happy.
Tommy likes the door of the oven on my wood burning cook stove. 

Get better soon.

for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I am sorry about you're colitis, is there something you take to help it? Please rest and I hope it clears up, I did not mean to bother you with my problems I did not know you were feeling bad, thank you for writing me even through you were under the weather, what a wonderful person you are to help me when you had some pain, I am praying for you that it clears up. I dont think they are going out tonight but the damage has pretty well been done, so too speak, I got way too upset and nervous and came very close to a full-blown attack, I am trying not to let these issues do this too me but its hard as I am sure you know, please feel better, I look forward to hearing from you soon. Deb

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