You can not fix it till you accept you have it otherwise what are you fixing?
I have an anxiety disorder.
I have claustrophobic thoughts, I am not claustrophobic. I do not fear being alone.
I have Agoraphobia but not of the older classification. I do not fear open spaces.
I do not have GAD.
I do not have depression, but I do get sad.
I am not bipolar or schizophrenic but do have mood swings.
I have core beliefs but they are not all negative.
I have limited movement and a lot of damage from accidents and arthritis but I am still functional with the use of aids and mind set.
I am still repairing the last ten years mental damage. I have cures that which was before. It is not over.
Does anyone understand my condition? I really doubt it. Sunny does pretty much although ours are different. Yes some one understanding would make a big difference. Don't hold your breath expecting it. Like telling some one blind what a sunset looks like.
Is not part of the reason for the forums just that, that we sort of understand each others condition. And would more if we opened up more.