I've started this program a couple of days ago, and some of you were already kind enough to read my posts and answer some of my questions.
What I'd like to figure out is whether some of the symptoms I have are due to anxiety or they're something different altogether.
Here is a more or less complete list:
racing heart; shortness of breath; chest pain (excruciating at times) ; numbness and tingling in arms and legs; numbness and tingling in various parts of my body: scalp, face, belly; shaking (particularly in my legs); dizziness; faintness; lightheadedness; waves of energy moving through my body; a buzzing feeling in my arms, legs, sometimes the entire body; headaches (horrible) ; hyperventilation; pain in my neck and shoulders; jaw pain (like a toothache but not really); muscle aches in my arms and legs; and there might have been others that I don't recall at this point.
I realize our minds are quite powerful, and that it's possible for all these to be "artificially created" in order to elicit a certain response from us. I've read about the symptoms of panic attacks, and now looking back, I know that this is what I have experienced. This is what pretty much brought me to this website and forum. Still, after talking to my family doctor and my psychologist, there is a bit of confusion in my mind. Both of them said that, my symptoms are due to panic attacks, they even explained to me the "fight and flight" story (which I am quite familiar with by now), but both of them stated (independently from one another) that the muscular pains (specifically the chest pain, the neck and shoulder pain, and the muscle aches in my legs and arms, aches that I started having recently) plus the headaches (which I'm having on an almost daily basis) are actually symptoms of depression, not anxiety.