What a lot of people don't realize is the proliferation of cameras. A colleague had her car damaged in a parking lot, and the tape was made available for help in that settlement.
My husband and I finally got a nice car this past year. The first scratch I saw on it made me furious. The second one made me a bit mad and now, I give up. It is just car but it would be nice for other people to have some respect.
There isn't much you can do unless you get a camera in your parking lot. That would be nice. But, until then enjoy the walk :)
I park far away no matter what! As you have spent money on this item, you want to keep it in top condition. The walk does wonders and you may feel a little less apprehensive.
I tend to park beside cars whose doors will hit the plastic strip on my car doors. This means I don't park beside one tons and vans or anything with large doors. Still I have dints. But then my car is 16 years old. And it is only a car.
After someone dented my new car, I've become paranoid about where I park. I'll drive around looking for an "end" spot, and record the license of the person beside me(as if I'd do anything!). It happened twice at work, and the employees might do it to spite the management, which I am a member of.
I'd like to buy the type of car with dent-proof side panels, but think they're out of business.
Part of me thinks the extra minute is worth the need to not take it to the collision shop, and part says I'm re-enforcing fear