Sometimes I get interrupted so often that I lose my perspective. I know i have a lot less resilience.
An example is that I was methodically working on researching, preparing and purchased some materials for insulating a window. Suddenly my garage door opener light needed to be replaced, since I would be going out at night, and backing into the garage is hard with only my taillights.
A driver in our laneway even showed the beginning of road rage, when I allowed him to go ahead of me instead exiting my garage. I stopped short of exiting, and must have confused the driver, but I didn't block the laneway, allowing him to pass. Most people would just keep driving, but he had give me "the look".
The light is necessary since my night visiion is awful, and I don't want to hit the garage.
One thing which was progressing, was interrupted by another smaller project, because of the urgency. I don't have to drive again at night for a while, so I'm able to return to the original project of insulating.
Sometimes what happens, though, is that interuptions interupt interruptions, so it makes me dizzy. In programming, this is known, I think, as iteration, and it's normal.
I wonder if anybody out there feels dizzy and loses their place with too many interrruptions?