Dwelling on anything is not a good idea and you are right dwelling on the "why" can be counter productive. For some, they may mind it theraputic to understand the "why". In CBT there is little focus on the "why" and more on challenging like Red already mentioned.
I'm interested to hear what other members have to say.
When dealing with the why of it all I try to use the 10 question list found in the session on challenging your anxious and negative thoughts..I already know the why, what I need help with is challenging the validity of those thoughts as they relate to the present situation I may find myself in..My past experiences in life can rule my present view of the world if I let them..The 10 questions help me to see things as they really are in the hear and now..I also have used some of the sessions in the depression center to help me to..
I was just pondering something lying in bed... a common theme I read in people's posts are that they have some scary thoughts and feelings, and then they try to figure out why they are having the thoughts and feelings, which leads them to be more scared and have more of these thoughts and feelings. So maybe the time we, including me, spend dwelling on trying to figure out "why, why, why" actually has the opposite effect --> makes us more anxious, etc.
I know this is true for me sometimes.... what do others think?