Hi, thanks for everyone's replies. I think I crashed about a week ago because I cut some medication I was on by 50% about 3-4 weeks ago. I'm on two different meds right now, and I have to wean off one in order to add something else on, or to go off both and start one new one all together. I'm freaking out because I've felt bad in the past, but never this way. Its like i know deep down that I care that I get better, but it feels right now like I don't and am not trying to make myself feel better right now. I don't feel like talking to people around me. A friend of mine suggesting taking some sick time from work, but I'm scared that all that time on my hands to think, is also not healthy. This process of switching meds is going to take awhile. I don't know how I"m gonna get through. I'm on effexor and small dose of cipralex. Has anyone had any good luck with switching onto a new drug successfully. I know that this is not a medication site, but this is really weighing on my mind.
Yes yes yes. Keep positive. Keep believing you will get better and keep looking for little signs that you are getting better and you will. Try, and yes I know it is hard, but try not to look for signs that you are not. Positive does breed positive.
Sorry you are feeling this way! Sounds yuck! We are right here beside you.
Logically knowing a healthier core belief and not believing it is a common occurance for people who are just starting out in challenging their negative core beliefs. What session are you on in the program? These types of concerns are discussed in the last two sessions in the program. If you are not there yet don't rush! It is important to take your time with the program and do your homework carefully. But at least know that this is normal and a solution is coming.
I keep telling myself I'm gonna get through this, and I'm gonna have a good day, but I just don't believe it. Do I just keep saying it even though I don't believe. I'm so busy at work today and I took clonazepam last night and my body is revved up but my mind is groggy. aaaah