Today I called the manager of a clinic, to ask about why I couldn't get some medical results copied to another health professional.
The receptionist interrupted me 3 times, and finally, when I asked her to let me finish the situation, instead of interrupted, she decided to transfer me to her manager's voicemail, since "she" was fed up.
Similarly, once I watched a work colleague interrupt a meeting 13 times(I counted) as we went around the room for opinions.
What I find strange is that people with problems use their status(in the first case, a secretary who has an electronic system which she can manipulate me, or in the second case just a blowhard who bullies people and is allowed to continue, because no-one will stand up to him, or has too many bullies like him who cultivate the culture) to point to others as the cause of their problems.
I'd tried to relax, earlier in the day, by walking on a treadmill, but my radio got stuck in the coffee holder in in "on" position. I was relaxed enough to disconnect the radio's battery by removing it.
Another day in the life of a construction-frazzled neighbour.