Thank you so much for the encouragement!! I love to hear great stories like yours.......It makes me just know that I am on the right track!! I have given so much of my life to anxiety, and no more.....It may take me some time, but I just know I will get there :)
Planning a trip to Wal Mart alone next week just me and my daughter to surprise my husband with a new wedding ring for Christmas.....He recently lost his and was devastated, so wish me luck!! It will be my first trip out alone to a store, and I am just thinking positive, and telling my anxiety it can't keep me down anymore!! I am taking baby steps, but the way I see it is that baby steps beats the heck out of no steps at all.
Thanks for sharing, your story gives me so much to look forward to, and I will be back soon to share my Wal Mart experience :) :)
I'm Shari. Welcome and I wanted to say how proud I am of you for, literally, driving through the anxiety. The key sentence you said that struck a note with me is, "The next day I drove again......MUCH EASIER the second time!!" This is so true. The more you do it and succeed the less fear and anxiety and panic you will have. I know, because I could barely drive 10 minutes from my house (over two years ago). I used to have panic attacks at red traffic lights and when I was stuck in traffic. I used the same copings skills that you've learned here, as well, and now I can drive from here to Florida and back without any anxiety at all. You are doing great and you are you are an inspiration to all of us! Keep up the great work. I look forward to hearing about all of your future successes.
P.S. I've found, the more I go out, the less Agoraphobic I become. The more I stay in, the more it tries to creep back into my life, even now. So, I keep it at bay, by continuing to go out on a regular basis. Again, congratulations on your success!!!
Thanks Vincenza......It has helped me to understand that even though I feel that uncomfortable feeling if I utilize positive thinking, and remind myself to keep going it does get easier!! My first drive I came really close to stopping several times......I was scared and even a bit shaky, but I kept going telling myself it will be gone soon......Your just anxiety and you can't hurt me!! It worked because I kept driving!! The next day I drove again.......MUCH EASIER the second time!! Remember my husband is my safe person, and he was only one car ahead of me.......But once our move is over and I have went back through my weeks, and caught up my journal.....I AM TAKING A DRIVE......ALONE :) :) :) Just watch me go!!!
And Shansy........Please don't give up!!! Take your time, I have had to go back over my weeks several times to make sure I was following it to a T......These people are great support!!! I have only driven maybe 5-7 times in years, and I did it!!!! It is slowly getting better everyday for me......When I was able to stay on my journal like I am suppose to I felt much relief so make sure you do that......Something about writing it down and talking to my anxiety helps me!! I get ugly with it.....I tell it, it can't win!!! I have already learned to change my thought patterns and it really helps me a lot......So please don't give up!!! I drove like a champ the second day......My little 12 year old daughter saying "Mom look at you go"!! I AM SO EXCITED......Can't wait to move forward and I am all moved now so back at it I am :) :)
Hearing about your success really helps! I'm on my third chapter and I'm struggling, sometimes giving up and just being this way the rest of my life sounds easier. But hearing about you and your success at only chapter 4 really helps me feel like I'm on my way and I need to just keep trying because this program can actually help. I'm really thankful you posted your success and I hope I can start posting mine soon ;)
Also, enjoy your success. Whenever I do have breathroughs, however large or small, I always recognize myself for it.. so go eat some lobster and keep posting cause it really helps (me and you! lol)
Yes! You did it!! So happy to hear you are celebrating your success of overcoming what sounds like a very unnerving situation. I'm pleased to know that your hard work is paying off and excited that you are celebrating tonight. How has this experience affected your understanding of anxiety and panic?
Keep it up - your determination and motivation will help you on your journey to better health!
We are moving guys so sorry I have been away for a few days. I had to drive a car for the first time in months today and follow my husband during our move. I had a MAJOR panic attack about 5 miles into my 25 mile drive. I was scared, shaking, heart pounding, sweaty palms, but I talked positive to myself, and reminded myself it would be gone in just a few. I come close to pulling over about three times, but the more I talked to myself the better it got.
This program is teaching me ways to cope, and not panic and run from the situation. I am waiting on my royalty check from my invention, and I am going to Red Lobster to CELEBRATE!! It was so scary, but when I put all the things panic center has taught me into place I was able to keep going!!!!!
It may sound crazy, but before moving into week four, I am going to brush back up on week 1, 2, 3 before I move into 4 because I have not had enough time to use my daily journal like I should in 4 days, and it seems to be really helping.......So Thanks Everyone!!!!