I used to regret a lot of things. Looking at things that "need" to be done, I was once feeling guilty about a lot of decisions I made.
It was as if I expected myself to know everything when I was younger. But I find looking back often finds things in a different perspective.
Today I was trying to fix something, and there are so many other things I "need" to do. But this was where I was drawn.
And I find I need intellectual stimulation, irregardless of my "priorities". I guess after supper, I need some "me" time, and doing odd jobs around the house I can find that stimulation.
I know too, that others would do what I'm doing faster, and with better methods, and tools, but I just was to choose my pace, and take my time, and savour what I'm doing, with pressure.
There's something "wasteful" and irrational about hobbies, avocations that people have, but we all need a break, don't we?