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Dr Claire Weekes Method

for 8 år siden 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The riders? Fail of the riders? Davit I don't understand you. 
And are you saying medicine is what cures you? I don't believe that. Medicine once removed brings back all of the symptoms. 

Also, understaning panic and then exposing yourself is what Dr. Weekes said and it's the same exact thing I see in this website. I tried it. I got up to 3 miles, then it all went away from a brutal winter.
for 8 år siden 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Coping is the second stage, what are the other 3 stages and why are some people telling me that the Weekes' method worked for them?
for 8 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The problem with any coping skill is that is just what they are. Some lead to cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring is not coping. It is changing how you think so you don't have to cope or settle for coping. I know it is hard to understand the difference since so much of life is coping. I'm trying to show the difference in the information threads. The difference is not great but the affect is. I am willing to explain the difference. It is not a substitute for the program though.

for 8 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Claire Weeks method is coping because in her time that was all there was because there were not the tools like the functionalMRI, a tool for following the neural pathways which proved that positive thought and negative thought have different pathways. Forcing things and aggressive exposure were common tools back then. But there was also a fraction of the stress. As for CBT, I list Claire under coping which is also where I put meditation and mindfulness. A tool. For some a very good tool. A tool that will get you to the next stage of recovery. Coping is only the second stage though, there are three more.

I had very bad Agoraphobia. Because I live alone I was forced to use benzo's. They never worked very well. I have no agoraphobia anymore. I could go shopping in a loin cloth and not be bothered. I could stand in a lineup with ten people ahead of me. I could be stuck on a bridge for an hour. I am on no medication other than 2mg valium maybe twice a month for a muscle relaxant. I'm allergic to flexoril. 

The cure for Agoraphobia is simple except that the fear causes a person to put negative riders on the cure and ruin it. It takes a few tries to get rid of the riders. You have to accept the first try will likely fail because of the riders, but you will know what they are. 

for 8 år siden 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
CBT did not help me working with various people but 1 therapist I worked with other issues I had when he did CBT on me worked great.

Davit, do you have agoraphobia or I mean did you?

Also, I think you used a double negative on accident talking about self help books.
for 8 år siden 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
David on another agoraphobia support group people are telling me that Dr. Weekes method helped them with their agoraphobia, but I implemented her work last year and got no farther than 3 miles which is better than what I am doing now which is only 1 street. Ok, last year I was on here and tried this website's method but it was the same I got 3 miles. I'd love to get back to 3 miles for starters. Well, I shall give it a go again. I have been making myself go into shops alone, walk around alone, go to the mall with my mum, and to drive alone I just need to drive more often and a little farther each time cos I notice after the long winter I really set myself back but winter here was super duper icy.
for 8 år siden 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I tried the Weekes method dilingently last year pushing myself but never got farther than 3 miles which I can't even do 3 miles let alone 2 miles right now as much as I really, really want to after spending thousands on trying to get a handle on this and being in debt now. But I noticed I couldn't get passed the 3 mile point and that it was extremely exhausting work I'd come home after just trying to go 2 miles down the road and need to nap for a couple or few hours and if I missed a week it was like back to square 1, but at the same time I noticed at least I was going out. I noticed since I didn't drive all winter (6 months) that now I am lucky to go 1 street.
for 8 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The one thing Claire has is direction. She gives you a set direction to follow. But it doesn't get you past coping and that isn't bad. All the self help books do that to some extent. Still not a bad thing. In Claire's time there was no cognitive therapy. There was little or no place to go after coping. Which is amazing since cognitive restructuring was known 2000 years ago.  But like everything of value it got used as a weapon. Brain washing. Convincing young men they were superior so they would kill each other and women to accept this. Around 1960 it got put together as CBT and has not stayed as that. CBT has been tore apart and twisted to mean what ever will sell. Cognitive restructuring puts your thinking back to what it was meant to be. Pleasant and enjoyable with survival skills still there but subconscious. Done right it removes the feeling life is worthless, that we are worthless. It allows us to accept we have limitations and can still be valuable with our limitations. The mind has two paths it can follow, it will follow which ever one you choose.

feelthelove. I missed you too and I miss the ease of PM on NMP. That could have been a really helpful site. I just got out of the hospital and I'm still pretty weak.

for 8 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi Davit , hope you're feeling better i missed you on nmp :)
for 8 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not everyone.

Claire Weekes method is out dated. She was dead before CBT.  She has a few good points but other than that her method does not work. So now you know my feeling on it. Feel free to do it anyway. 

There are lots of books riding on her reputation that don't work either. They are leaches using your desperation to make money. 

There is a program here that does work. Why would you want to do something that doesn't? The best you are going to get out of Claire Weekes is coping.


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