[quote]I am afraid of the possible surgery, anesthesia, pain, etc...The most horrible things are running thru my mind (mouth cancer, extensive jaw surgery, death, etc)....[/quote]
I'm in your boat.
I hadn't been to the dentist for about ten years maybe? Until I got an ache that spread all over my left-lower jaw. I took pills for some days, wishing it'd be something minor, until I just COULDN'T sleep, even with four-five pills in me. My girlfriend, luckily, said "Pekka, you realize you HAVE to see a dentist now?" (she knew about my fear of the dentist) And I nodded, feeling so tired due to the lack of sleep and the freaking pain!!
She knew a nice dentist, and we drove there the next morning. Tanja (my GF) told the dentist that I'm scared to death etc etc, and they gave me a DIA-PAM(it's a soothing drug here in Europe, you've probably got the same or something exactly similar). I waited for fifteen minutes in HUGE stress, until the pill started working. I felt pretty relaxed...went into the room, she took a look, injected some stuff into my gums...hurt a bit, nothing bad. To make a long story short, I went there three times, she did a root canal in one tooth, was fairly cheap - and I wasn't even nervous the second time there!! This coming from a dude who's had dentist on his mind almost EVERY DAY for the past 10 years!!!
Now, I still need LOTS of work done to my chewin' tools, but I'm no longer obsessed with the thought of going to the dentist.