And here I thought I was the only one with attacks at night. I thought it wasn't possible to have them during a sound sleep. I can go all day running around to my feet are falling off. Taking care of me kids, cleaning house, working, etc.. things that most people find stressful, I'm fine with it. But every night some time between 2 and 3 I wake up gasping for air, with the sheets soaking wet, heart racing, VERTIGO! (that's the worse!), head throbbing, neck aching, leg cramps and numbness in limbs that aren't cramping. this has been happenig almost EVERY night for three or four months now. It's gotten to the point now that I'm having attacks even before I go to been anticipating having one in my sleep. I haven't slept the same since Fall. Insomnia has kicked in. I'm on 50mg of Zoloft and Xanax as needed. I've been taking at least 50mg of Xanax every night now just to get me to sleep. I do have an apt. with a psychologist this week. I've been to a few psychotrists but feel they would rather stuff pills down my throat than actually help me. I'm convinced those doctors get incentives for prescribing drugs. Especially maybe something "new" on the market. I'm hoping seeing a psychologist would be better. cutting out the politics. Maybe knowing they have no license to prescribe drugs will help me. For now I spend my time reading and study up on the internet. that's how I found this site. It actually hasn't prevented any attacks. But I definitely find it soothing to read about attacks and get comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one out there. To me it's sorta like having a 24/7 support group... getting on line and chatting with others just like me. The reason why I'm on here now is because I had an attack about 45 minutes ago. Ps... I realized that if I stopped eating before 6pm and cut out sweets, I have a less intense attack. I drink NO caffiene, basically cut out all chocolate and drink tea with Melatonin in it. GREAT stuff!! If you are on any meds I would ask your doctor first before taking Melatonin. You can buy the tea at a vitamin store (or on line) and I've found the vitamin capsules at Walmart. I've only been drinking the tea for about a week now, and not frequently. Takes the edge off of things and eases me into sleep. But