Hey Georgie!
I often have panic attacks at unusual moments as well. I'll be sitting down reading, enjoying the quiet or something, and those feelings will start creeping over me. It makes me so upset because it's not even an anxious moment or anything!! But, what I do is just quickly remind myself that everything is ok. I challenge my thoughts and can usually bring it to a halt, or at least to a controllable level. Take one at a time. It's easier that way. You're having a panic attack, challenge it, reassure yourself over and over that everything is ok, as it goes away, let it go. Try not to anticipate the next one. Just tell yourself, whew.... I got through that one, I am stronger than I thought! Sometimes, for me anyway, it will be an all day thing, but regardless, it helps to take one peaked moment at a time. It's difficult, but that's what I do. Hope that helps!