Hi Tony,
I have been having a somewhat related experience for about the last two months or so. My "anxious" thoughts seem to intensify at night though. The weird part is, lately my dreams have become more and more vivid but what really freaks me out is that whenever I have a dream featuring myself, even within the dream itself, I'm always plaugued by the panic/agoraphobia. No matter what events are occuring in my dreams, I can't participate in them due to fear or if I do, I wake up in the midst of an anxiety attack. It's very disheartening to not even be able to escape the feelings while I am sleeping. One thing I have tried doing in the morning is when I wake up, I immediately throw on my robe and go out to my backyard. Even if it's raining. The fresh air seems to sorta "snap" me out of it, and then I do some deep breathing stretches. I just find it helps get me out of my cloudy head and stops what I refer to as "the downward thought spiral". I don't know if that's any help to you, but it has sorta made my mornings more bareable. Take care.
Cheers, Lolita