Hello Bonnie,
Thanks for your post. This is really nice, keeping in touch!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes in phases: that is, sometimes managing to keep up positive things like the gym/dancing for several weeks, then at other times finding it impossible! And just as you said, whilst you're in either phase, you can't imagine how you could be the other way...for example, I did go for the 2nd visit to the gym today, and enjoyed it, and now can't quite understand how I wasn't able to go for so long!
I totally relate to what you said about being negative without realising it, and you made me smile at your examples of the way you sometimes tag on a negative to a positive remark! In fact, someone at work said to me that she thought I needed to go on "one of those courses" (for building up self-esteem, I suppose) because I come across as putting myself down a lot...! And I thought I was just being more honest than everyone else, about finding some things at work difficult!
I must try listening to myself: I bet I do say negative things without thinking, too!
I've been told more than once (by my husband, amongst others!) that I worry too much (no surprises there!) and that I do that pointless & negative thing of "if only"s!! You know, going back over the past and getting all stressed about previous mistakes or bad decisions.....not exactly helpful or a good use of time, really! His attitude is that you can't do anything about the past (so, no point wasting energy on stressing about it!); all you can do is decide to do better/different from now on....he's so wise about that.
Sort of on the subject of the (still imaginary!) journal, and making it colourful...well, a while ago I used to reward myself, for dieting successfully, with a pretty sticker for each day (childish, but fun!). This used to work for a while, to help me get through "munchy" moments, but of course when the days came that I strayed off-course, I didn't like to see the "no sticker" gap on the chart.... Well, in keeping with my current "allow yourself to be human and don't be so hard on yourself" (or rather, "be positive about even small steps..") frame of mind, I'm now awarding myself a sticker for ANY success that day! So, today and yesterday of course I have stickers for goi