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Getting Geared Up

for 11 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Christmas visit update...
All went well and we had a nice visit with the girls their husbands/partners and the 4 year old little boy grandchild..He was lots of fun. Everyone went their separate ways last night and are traveling to another relatives house to spend Christmas. So it is just the two of us again as usual..We will miss them all.
So this year we are feeling a bit of the after Christmas blues a little early and are looking for something to do today..
I had planned on cooking a small roast beef for the two of us for Christmas and even bought a extra one encase everyone could stay a little longer and planned on cooking lots of vegetables too..One family is vegetarian and one is not..
The one thing I have learned over the years is to be flexible and go with the flow. You never know really which way the wind will blow. So this year we were able to spend time with family and so I would say we were blessed..
Now its time for the two of us to get on with life again and all the rest of the stuff that goes with that..
Everyones left, so now I ask myself, what do we do now?  What next?
for 11 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Davit Thank You so much for the thoughts and prayers.
 It must be working already because  the girls and their families are driving down tomorrow so it should be lots of fun. We are going to spend a day at the zoo with one daughter and the little 4 year old grandchild. We haven't seen him since it was a newborn so he will lighten the mood and it will be a fun day for everyone..The older daughter will be meet us all there a little latter she has a evening of nightlife planned for the night before in Hollywood so she said she may be late..We didn't ask more we really don't think we want to know anyway..So we've been busy getting groceries, washing linens, and cooking pies tonight. Tomorrow we will clean and vacuum early in the morning before they come. It should be a fun night full of electric trains runnings around the Christmas tree and Christmas stories and maybe a the Christmas dvd to watch the Polar Express for the little one..He is going to love the toy jeeps and trucks we bought him for Christmas and they all have lights and sirens and such..Yes this is going to be a good Christmas..
Red and Edd..
for 11 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I put in a request with St. Jude, he does seem to listen. 

for 11 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit.
It is going to be a good christmas this year.
This is our wish for Christmas and the New Year.
Edd and I have had some good news and bad news this season. We are happy I found a doctor to help me and have a plan now but at the same time we have had sad news for one of Ed's daughters this week.  She had surgery this month all went well and all seemed fine and good and she was happy with her little four year old in hand.
The pathlogy results came in this week and we were given news from another family member he that she did not want to talk to anyone about it yet. Of course we called her and offered to help her in anyway we can. She has been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer with poor survival rate, she has Leionamyosarcoma type Retroperistalisis. She had to travel on a train with her little 4 year old in hand to the hospital for her surgery which was very hard for her. It took lots of planning and now she will need chemo and another surgery. Her doctors are looking for a treatment center near her home. We are making plans to leave on at moments notice in our travel trailer to go help her and have suggested that she may want to come stay with us and have her treatments where we live. We live 4 hours round trip from her hospital and doctors, she lives 6 hours round trip by train from them plus she would be traveling alone with her 4 year old. Her husband is a RN and can not take 6 weeks off to help her here or at home. So for now we are in standby mode and trying to wait patiently for news. She said she may be down our way near christmas and would like to see her dad so we have invited her and her family to stay with us for Christmas. She has to check to see if her husband can get enough time off.. Also we are supposted to be meeting his other daughter for dinner Sunday night while she is in town vacationing for one day. We are planning to make some calls today or tomarrow to see what the latest plans are and hope to see everyone this christimas..
Red and Edd
for 11 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

You know I am pleased for you but I'm saying it here anyway because I am. It is going to be a good Christmas isn't it.

for 11 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A end of the day update..
I met the new doctor today we talked and she explained my diabetes and we came up with a strategy and plan in less the 30 minutes. When I asked her if I needed to see a registered dietitian she said that I could if I wanted to but she felt that I had advanced way beyond anything they could teach me on my own already. She  even commended me on my diet, weight loss and on how well I have managed my diabetes on my own so far. It felt good to have someone acknowledge all the hard work that I put into teaching myself  how to manage my diabetes.
We have decided to start me on a medication called metformin er. I have decided to wait until after Christmas to start my first dose which I will do for one week to let my body adjust, then after that I will double that dose if all goes well after two weeks..The idea is that after I do this I will be able to start eating more food again because my body will be able to handle the glucose which means I will have more energy than I do now..
She instructed me on how many carbs to have in my meals and snacks and how to adjust to lose weight so I am not in the dark about that anymore and she gave me a target blood glucose number to shoot for when I test after my meals. I do labs again in two months and will see her again at that time too. She even said to call her if I stomach upsets from the meds last for longer than a week before I up my dose again..She seems to really care about her patients. Which is good for me..I like her..This is a welcome change
Thank god I finally have a direction, a plan and doctor who cares and can help me learn how to do this too..
 Before I left she gave me the name of a book with low carb recipes in it. It's titled 500 Low Carb Recipes. I guess Santa will have to look for it won't he. She also encouraged me to continue with my gluten and wheat free diet too.
This is turning out to be a good Christmas and I am even hopeful about the New Year too..
for 11 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yesterday I had to meet the eye doctor again at the large clinic and when I arrived he was not there but was working at one of their smaller clinics. I was upset and we had to drive to the smaller clinic but it was closer to home which was good..
Anyway to make a long story short while I was their talking to the eye doctor I noticed he seemed a lot calmer than he did at the larger clinic and he was in a joyful mood. So I decided to inquire about primary care doctors at this little clinic while I was there and I made a appointment to see a Endocrinologist there. In fact I am seeing her today for the first time. I am hoping this will be a good fit and that she can help me learn how to manage my diabetes better..Plus she is a internal medicine doctor also. She only works part time but has a young female doctor that sees her patients for issues that are not diabetes related. The schedulers seemed to really like young doctor and said that she was a really good doctor too.
I am kind of nervous about meeting this new doctor today because of the bad experience I had with the last doctor I tried working with but I am also looking at this optimistically because I really do need a new doctor that can help me with my diabetes and I need someone that I am comfortable with plus I just love the feel of the small clinic..Which is so much easier on my nervous system. I am crossing my fingers hoping for the best this time..Which is 3 hours from now. So I am trying to stay calm while I am waiting...
My appointment is at 1:30 this afternoon.
for 11 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit and Good Morning to you !
You are right I will get through this too...I always do!  We always do!
Yes I have joined a online forum and support group for people with diabetes. There is one lady there that is very nice and is helping me learn the ropes a bit when it come to diabetes which is nice but I still enjoy and need the site here to help with the anxiety and anxious thoughts and the occasional panic attack. I have you and all my friends here that I have grown very close to, we have all been through so much together now. I really enjoy coming here and posting and listening and talking with you and all my friends here. We are all dealing with or have dealt with anxiety/panic/agoraphobia or ptsd or maybe all of them together at the same time here and how they have affected our lives in the this support group here..We have all listened and laughed and cried together here as we worked through it all..We have a very special group here, be it just one or two of us or ten of us, we listen, we care and we understand each other..So I may visit the other group for help but this group here will always have a special place in my heart..
ok! Ok! OK!  I know enough of the mussy stuff  I promise.
It must be nice having a pen pal in England must be a lot of interesting stories there..I am so glad to hear you are feeling so well without the antibiotics and sure understand being anxious about the labs and how they will come out..Please keep us posted on how it turns out..I am wishing you acool and cloudy day today so you can get in some weeding...Well I got to go and get some breakfast and transplant some lillies...
Talk to you soon..
for 11 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Ashley!
Thanks for much for listening and for sending cyber hugs and positive energy my way. It must of worked because everything I set out to do and somethings I didn't worked out fine yesterday.  We drove to the Scripps Whitter Diabetes Institute and set up all my education classes yesterday and one with a registered diabetic dietitian. So I am feeling a bit better knowing I am going to have help learning how to do this. I had put in a call to my new doctor to get a new referral with his name on it for these classes and they called me back right away while we were driving home from scheduling my classes. The changes I last week seem to be paying off  and everything does seem to be going my way and things are moving much more smoothly right now.
I  have to say I feel very lucky to have stumbled across this site and started cbt here a few years ago because it has taught me so much and helped me so much with all of this..From giving me the courage to make phone calls to getting dressed and walking out the front door to scheduling my classes yesterday..there is so much that I am grateful for. I am giving you the shortened of course of all this here but I can not express how much the program here and all of you have helped me to learn how to and be able to do what I need to do now..I want to thank all of you for your undieing friendship.
Well I guess I have said enough for today it seems..I have got to get going and get started on my diet and exercise  today. Thanks of being here and for listening...
for 11 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red,

I'm sorry to hear all you have been going through. It sounds like you has a realistic perspective on everything and you are doing all you can to be optimistic.

We're all listening and cheering you on.

Sending positive energy and cyber hugs your way! 
Ashley, Health Educator

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