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for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dissociation is an altered state of consciousness characterized by partial or complete disruption of the normal integration of a person's normal conscious or psychological functioning. (direct Quote) A lot of big words to say the person for various reasons mostly trauma stores certain thought where it can't be accessed because it is not connected to consciousness, memory, emotion, sensory awareness and a number of other things that are normally connected and affect the thought corner of the triangle. 
The dissociated person can not access these thoughts so has to connect with others. I imagine it would be like being drunk or stoned. The drunk person has the same memory drunk or sober but access is not there so the thought can't travel to the third corner of the triangle where reaction happens. Therefore reaction slows down or in the case of passing out, stops.

The dissociated person should still be able to do CBT for any thing except these thoughts that have been compartmentalized where there is no access. They are still there just not accessible. There is no information as to whether there is an actual physical separation as in deterioration of the brain as in Alzheimers or if it is mental as in the case of no chemical access due to a mental condition. If it was mental then it could be accessed by making the chemicals needed accessible. Apparently not or no information on this. Is there medication for this condition?

It might be possible to go back to the trauma if enough time has gone by and rethink the thoughts that are not accessible due to the compartmentalization of dissociation. I don't know.
I'm trying to think if there is any dissociated thought I can not access that I could try this on.

More on this if I can find more information or can get an hour with my therapist.
This one question has opened a lot more. Does the dissociated person get a blank spot when they try to think on something that is acting like it is not there? Does this cause panic the same as the illogic thought that causes panic does? 
More questions. 

A person doesn't expect there to be light in a dark room and accepts that and does something else, leave the room or turn on a light, or of course panic. 
Could the dissociated person accept that there is no access and go back to the trigger and think something else, such as "okay I can't go there" (because now I know why)? I don't know, no information but I think CBT might allow this. More questions I don't have answers to and want. What do you think, obviously this is important to you?

for 12 år siden 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Very interesting Davit... so, can you explain how dissociation slips in to distort the process even further?
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not enough mistakes to bother correcting.

So this is how CBT can get rid of the excess anxiety that causes the triggers and the panic, depression and in some instances OCD that comes with negative thought. Still you are probably asking "why am I having attacks now". Along with association is memory. You have to have something to compare your present thought with to form an action. Along with this come other things such as routine or habit and of course core beliefs. So why now. Probably you have been slowly loading your memory up with negative thoughts till there just is no positive left available.
So in CBT you want to start building positive thoughts so there is something available. And believe me this can take time if you have a lot of stuff in your world to think negative about. 
Even things you don't think are negative can be negative if you have something negative to associate them with. Sitcoms are subconsciously negative even if you find them funny. The news, the weather, lots of things. So you are going to always have some negative panic provoking things in your memory. So what. Did you expect to never panic? Good luck. Still you can stop it from becoming an attack if you have plenty of pleasant positive memories to associate with. So start today by trying to put a positive spin on everything that happens today. It can be done even if you have to lie to yourself to start with. 
Back to my house cleaning cause it is still raining. Positive thought: It is raining so I get to stay in where it is warm and have another cup of tea. And the house will be clean, and I like that.

for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It's raining so I'm stuck in the house doing house work. Yuk. When I'm doing this mindless sort of work my mind runs overtime, sometimes pleasant sometimes not. So I'm doing the dishes and water is running into a bowl and over the side into a plate and over the side into the empty sink. Now what did you see when you read this. Some of you might have seen what I saw. I thought, that looks like a fountain. (pleasant thought) Where did that come from. Sunny had been talking about draining her fish pond. The thought was probably still at the top of my shopping bag. This is association. Some of you will have seen something else and some will just have seen dishes. Along with association comes controls that filter out the information that we see and the information we use to process what we see, hear, feel and think. If the controls are especially active or our mind is somewhere else all we would see is dishes, probably not even the water running. Since water level is important that thought would pass through along with the subconscious ones, what happens if I don't shut off the tap, what happens if the water runs over. Those two get discarded as soon as you accept that the water has to be shut off. And it does it in milliseconds. So fast you don't even notice it. Normally that is. Ever wonder where panic attacks come from?  From panic of course but where does panic come from? From a panic trigger yes, but why. That is fight or flight, and we all have it. So if something fits the right parameters for panic FOF opens up. As a survival technique. If there is a reason to panic we do and if not it shuts down and life goes on. 
But to get from the trigger to panic it has to pass through thought. Specifically previous thought. and this is where the controls come in that dictate whether it passes on to panic or just gets dropped in the junk file in memory. This is where association comes in.
The trigger ( one corner of the panic triangle ) opens up thought and in less than the blink of the eye thought ( another corner ) goes through your memory looking for previous conditions to decide whether you should panic or not. There are lots of memories to check but it can do this in a flash. Here is where it either goes on to panic ( third corner of the triangle ) or gets discarded. Now even it it get passed on to panic it can travel back through thought to decide if the trigger is valid. EG. The association is similar but there really is no reason to panic, so discard the trigger. Some things that can go wrong: Thought can go round and round keeping the panic open or you can associate the trigger to something negative, or you can associate panic previous to the trigger and keep working your way around the triangle till you get tired and stop or preferably you stop it with thought that kicks in the controls to be more active. If it gets this far then you will most likely still be agitated because negative thought is trying to get through and controls are trying to stop it. Push pull push pull. The only way to stop it is to build a bank of positive associations in your memory ( shopping bag ) that you go to when you pass from trigger ( or just random thoughts ) through thought to action ( since the panic triangle doesn't have to end in panic. 
On top of this if you do this you can improve your life and your out look.

Going to post this before I lose it. I will correct the mistakes later.


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