Thank you for your question.
Challenging your thinking and behavior with the Depression Program would be a good place to start. There is more specific information about relationships and assertiveness in Sessions 11-15, but we recommend that you start at the beginning and work your way through the whole program. It will prove very useful.
Please let us know if we can help you navigate further,
The Depression Center Support Team.
grl and gabby
i am 36 yrs old and have been feeling exactly the same way u both described for almost every day of my life. my low self esteem stems from self hate. i also do not "know" who i am. one day i think i have things figured out and then the next im back to the mystery of it all. all i can say is neither of u are alone. the only advice i have is to not give up. hard to say to a person with depression but we have to try each day, even if it is to just get by. sorry i couldnt offer anything more wise or percise to say. im in a down mood. my best to u both.
Hi gr8fl i have the same problem but i dont know how to change it either i have low self esteem my therapist is trying to help me but i feel so worthless and i suppose i am scared that people wont like who i am heck i dont even know who i am so i dont know where to begin.Anyones advice would be helpful.
Simply put, I allow other peoples behavior towards me to dictate how I feel about myself and life in general on any particular day. Needless to say, this is not a healthy nor good thing. Even though I am aware of this I still allow it to happen. I perceive it's due in part to low self esteem. Anyone else out there have this issue and if so, How do you cope and/or overcome such an obstacle?