I recommend Depressive Illness: the curse of the strong by Dr Tim Cantopher.
It is aimed at people who have Depression caused by too much stress in their lives.
I'm not sure if it has a North American publisher in which case it is likely to prove expensive to purchase, but if you are reading this in the UK , then check it out!
I think I mentioned somewhere about a book called The Happiness Project. It's also googlable (don't you just love it when I make up words). the website has lots of neat tools to use - even without the book. I have used it though sort of out of sync right now so not to involved with My Happiness Project Webpage - I think it's by Gretchen Rubin I'm also getting her daily feeds on one of those social networking sites (can I say it?) Facebook.
Thanks for these! I've been meaning to make a trip to the library. I will sometime this week or weekend and hopefully will be able to find these titles or perhaps another good read. If i find something else I will let you all know!
My counselor recommended Mind Over Mood, by Dennis Greenberger and Christine Padesky and I found it very helpful. It's where I was first introduced to CBT. I'd recommend it!
I highly recommend "The Mindful Way through Depression" by: Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Jon Kabat-Zinn - Available in paperback and audiobook
The book explains how depression works with your body, mind and feelings, why it always seems to come back and what you can do to help yourself. It can also be applied to anxiety. I was quite impressed by the insight this book provided.