You've got some really good insights in there, congrats! Sounds like you are on your way to making peace with your past, and yourself. I hope to do the same for myself and it gives me hope to hear from someone else on the road to success. Sounds like you are ready, and when we are ready, we can accomplish great things.
Glad to hear you were able to sleep for some of those extra overtime hours away and you're already for your afternoon.
Brenna, Bilingual Support Specialist
wow what a sleep!
I went to sleep at 10; just after my post and tea and woke up at 2:30. I s-l-o-w-l-y got out of bed at 3.
I slept right through. No "false starts" no waking up to change sides and listen to the house noises. No dry mouth and throat. No dreams and worries. JUST SLEEP. I can't remember when I had this good a period to recuperate and repair!
I won't run a marathon ... no where to run to ... but I am ready to discuss 30 years worth of holiday misery with the psychologist. I am ready to explore the hurt and pain that meeting and satisfying the machismo of my father always made the holidays a misery for me. I am ready to discuss the feelings of shame that I was "sub-standard" and "stupid-like-my-mother" because I couldn't make Christmas merry for him.
I am ready to accept that his illness made him angry and confused so he blamed me rather than the illness. I am ready to accept that nothing I did provoked him nor made him worse. I am ready to accept the sadness for the loss of this loved parent and release the guilt and pain from that time.
It no longer is in it's time. I have to release the past.
Well done. Good for you for taking the break you need.
Get as much rest as you can.
The holiday season is anything but a holiday!
Take another sickie, the office wont come to a stand still but you might if you dont take things easier.
i have been to the shops today and you would think the world is ending the amount of peope there and the amount of food we are all buying!
Great stuff, you have inspired me to run a hot bath and take some me time in the middle of the day, i will try not to feel guilty.
Hi gang,
So I did it. I took a calculated sick day. I am exhausted from doing overtime since the 23rd of September. I am exhausted from worring about xmas and my daughter's b-day. I am exhausted from coping with the season of holidays, vacations and SNOW.
I emailed my boss and am going to take a whole bunch of naps before seeing the psych this evening. I put the kids in school and the husband at the office. I have some Good tea brewing and a bunch of beads to play with.
A real vacation day for me. Home Bed Play.