Every little bit counts! You have started on the right foot. Why not try the program, it is new and you will find it very useful. Take it step by step and you will see the difference.
We are here to help you every step of the way, go slow and use the knowledge you gain to make you stronger. Post your thoughts often and use the Instant Messenger to talk to other members for support.
Hope this helps,
The Depression Center Support Team.
I have been dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and sever social phobia for the past 3 1/2 months. I have become the exact opposite of what I used to be. I became a recluse. I never answered the phone, or allowed anyone to come over. I only go outside when I have to go to the doctor, otherwise I am prisoner in my own home. Over the past month I started to talk with friends via email, which seemed to help. I told them that if I phoned not to ask me any questions about what I was going through but to discuss what was happening in their life or what was happening at work. Gradually I would phone my friends and speak for a couple of minutes. The only people I spoke to on a regular basis was my Mum and Dad and my sister, who live in Australia and I live in Canada.
Thank you for your question :)
Social anxiety is a common problem. Public speaking is the most common fear that people have and approximately 7% of people suffer from significant symptoms of social anxiety that cause them significant distress and disability.
CBT works pretty well for social anxiety. The techniques in the Depression Program will help. However, you should check out our sister site, the Panic Program at
Although the Panic program was designed to help people with panic (not social anxiety) , many people deal with social anxiety "panic" in social situations, so the discussion about panic is relevant.
Many of the examples in the program relate to social anxiety and you can use the same techniques to challenge your anxious thoughts in social situations.
Please let us know if we can assist you further
The Depression Center Support Team.
I've been wondering if anyone here is dealing with social anxiety? if so, what do you do to help yourself (excluding meds)? It's been a stump for me to deal with this, I cannot seem to let go of the negative thoughts that surround me while with people.