I am glad you found us and I am also glad that you are getting appropriate treatment for the depression. Skin picking can be a disorder called Excoriation Disorder. If you are concerned about this it will be important to talk to a doctor. Only a doctor who sees you in person will be able to diagnose you for Excoriation Disorder. This disorder is often a symptom of another disorder like OCD, anxiety, a skin disorder, etc. Proper treatment will depend on what other symptoms you are experiencing. Is the nail picking preventing you from concentrating or do you feel it is the depression?
Name is Monika. Was initially diagnosed with Post Partum 2.5 years ago. Stopper my Zoloft about 10 months ago. I relapsed and now have depression. I am back on Zoloft and starting to slowly feel like myself again but still not a 100%. Also, I noticed I started to pick at me fingers/cuticles until they bleed. I know in my mind it wrong and the aftermath but I can't stop myself. lots of bandages around my fingers. Supper hard to concentrate, especially at work.