I want to give up. This is too hard. Is this really worth it? Who cares any way? I can�t take this anymore. I want �just one�.
Countless times I have said the above to myself as I am sure the rest of you have as well. These are all thoughts and emotions and part of the struggle we go through to break free of this horrible addiction.
We go through these at all stages of the quit. Life is full of ups and downs and so are our quits. Something we don�t think about is that life still happens even when we quit smoking. We have to adjust and learn to deal with circumstances without the crutch of smoking.
There is no such thing as an easy way to quit smoking. There will probably always be the temptation to smoke but that temptation lessens with time. Quitting is a soul searching, life changing experience. When you become a parent, your life changes forever. When you move to a new town, your life changes forever. When you quit smoking, your life will change as well.
Kick, scream, cry, and fight your way through each and every crave you go through. Know that each crave you get through makes you that much stronger for the next. Each situation you survive prepares you for your lifetime of being smoke free. Dig deep into your soul and pull out every bit of strength and determination you can get your hands on because that is what it takes to quit smoking people.
Just one is never just one. Smoking will never make anything better. What will make your quit easier is time. Each time you put nicotine back into your system, you are playing games with yourself. You give the NICO demon the upper hand and are telling him that he is stronger than you are. WRONG! Take control of your life back!
If you think you are alone in your struggle and that no one understands, you are wrong. Those of us with a lot of days on our meters have been where you are. I would bet that at least 90% of us never thought we would see the amount of days that we have on our meters today. Guess how we got here. One day at a time, one step at a time, one craves at a time, one challenge at a time.
I see people taking unnecessary chances with their quits. I hear of people giving in to the NICO demon and it makes my heart sink. In such cases, I just want to say