Once i took ownership of my excess baggage. I knew for me to be successful i had to be instrumental in my own quit and i could take the hard road or the easy road. I realized i could not blame the tabacco industry entirely for my addiction. This is my life, my body, my choice. I found the strength i needed within me.
I am at day 58 and although i have days where i have a smoking memory, they are quickly replaced with non smoking memories, this is because i choose not to glorify my smoking and i have made a concious choice to see it for what it is (the addiction that is). Within the week i was making non smoking memories. I love being free.
I understand what you say about the constant reminder, the commercials, the advertisements the way companies promote their products. Rusty it is indeed all around us and thank you so much for pointing out that although these tempataions are around us you do indeed have the freedom of choice.
PrincessC :) x