While both my bath scale and my food scale arrived today, and I've decided to go ahead an ease my way into the diet. I've started menu planning and will step into a 1200-1300 a day diet tomorrow. I'm a little concerned because I just quit smoking 5 months ago. However, I don't feel that I can put off weight loss until the spring. (An added incentive is to have the weight off by the time it gets warm again.) I'm at a point with my weight that I reached with my smoking: I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Since I quit smoking, I've gained seven pounds. It seems like it should have been more. I tried to ease off of the sugar-free gum at one point and stared substituting food. Quitting smoking will sure help my breathing problems, but so will losing weight. I have swallowing problems that the otolaryngologist says is caused by the epiglottis flap not closing all of the way. Losing weight may help that. I've had asthma since childhood that has become worse and sleep apnea. The pulmonologist says losing weight will help. And my genral practitioner says that losing weight should help with the diabetes. Quitting smoking just puts me in a healthy mindset. Now that I no longer smoke I feel that I can concentrate of the weight. I'm sure that some of the urges I've had to smoke today were just a reaction to taking on another quit. I do believe I can do both.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 5/1/2009
Smoke-Free Days: 158
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 4,424
Amount Saved: $1,714.30
Life Gained:
Days: 17 Hrs: 5 Mins: 41 Seconds: 9