28,500 days ago I came upon this earth to begin my journey. Unfortunately 21,200 of those days were as a smoker. But the good news for me is that today I celebrate 2,500 days without a smoke. I am using number of days in this post as I really do live one day at a time. Do I miss smoking? hell yes and there are times when I say to my self "why not smoke again.....at my age it dosen't matter...." And then I realize why I come here daily and look around; why I let that feeling of wanting a smoke go and I am back to one day at a time. The thought of smoking passes in nano seconds and I feel good again. Smoking is a terrible waste of time, money and life. To those of you lurking about trying to decide if this is the year that you will quit..........I say give it a go. It really can be done, one day at a time. Life here at the SSC is supportive and a great vehicle to travel with on your road to a successful quit.
Happy Monday everyone I hope your day is a great one and full of holiday cheer.