Hello Anne Marie! I discovered this site thru the Stop Smoking Center. Well, I just did the Depression Test and the results showed that I am not currently depressed. But, because I have a family story with depression, plus several periods of depression, I´ve been taking Fluoxac (20mg x day) for several years. (Once I quitted for about a year and it was awful, I gained about 30 pounds and I was feeling terrible!!!). Since then I don´t leave the Fluoxac for any reason, I wouldn´t like to feel that bad again. So, the Depression Test said I´m not currently depressed, but it showed, and I knew it, that I am very obsessive and that I have some routines (checking the locks or the stove; doing list about how much I eat or how much I smoke; think over and over about "what he/she said or meant")that, until now, I haven´t been able to avoid. What does this kind of behavior shows? How I can get rid of it? Besides the checking of the locks or the stove, one month ago I restarted smoking (after 10 years of quitting), so I am following the Stop Smoking Program, but now I find myself doing lists not only about how much do I eat (I am so afraid of get fat, I suffered a lot because of it since I was a child, with all the social rejection that this causes...), now I am writing lists, and getting more anxious, about how much I am smoking. So now I feel like if I´ve been swallowed by my compulsive behaviors; feeling out of control, without quitting the cigarrettes (just doing lists)or stopping the compulsive eating. I am again in an addictive circle... Eating to stop smoking or smoking to stop eating!!!! In the last 13 years I´ve done a lot of self-work (therapies, yoga, etc) with vey good results, but now I am catched again!!! (Thanks God I am not drinking again; I was addicted to alcohol for several years and I stopped it around 12 years ago). What a story!!! Please, I need your help: How I can stop this dark addictive circle? Is there a way to stop this compulsive behavior? What is first, the eating or the smoking? Both at the time? Thank you for reading. I am looking forward to hear from you.